Friday, October 30, 2009

Gear ratios...

why didn't I think of this sooner?!  Like Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap fame("well, this one goes to eleven..."), I simply need one more gear!  Obviously, 21 distinct gear ratios are woefully insufficient for these old legs.  While on a very nice ride through Rancho Santa Fe & Del Mar it occured to me that my next bike will simply have more gears - at least go to 22.  That will do it.  Of course, better conditioning is out of the question when I can simply buy more gears.  There.  That's settled.

Saw a gorgeous red-tailed hawk cruising Santa Luz as I headed for El Apajo Road & Rancho Santa Fe.  While this species of hawk is quite common around here I still marvel at them as they soar around.  Don't hear their distinctive cry very often but this fellow was vocalizing to beat the band. 

One thing I have learned while biking around the North County is that drivers are not the least bit interested in giving bikers a break.  Indeed, I think more than a few go out of their way to give us a good scare.  As I was heading for the 101 on Via De La Valle I needed to bear left in order to cross under the 5 freeway.  Being careful, I stuck my left arm out as a signal.  This after looking back for any close traffic.  Got a quick manicure from the rearview mirror of the pickup truck that blew by me as they slashed over to grab the Northbound ramp to the freeway.  This guy was flying!   My hand signal quickly changed to something more bird-like(how appropriate).  I also came up with a stream of expletives I haven't used since the last time I missed a 3 foot putt to win a match with the "Four Fools of Golf" at Steele Canyon(you know who you are).  It bears noting that one cannot miss me when I'm on my bike - everything reflects & I wear a "screaming yellow" jacket(thanks, SRB) that jumps out at you day & night.  I really think some folks make sport of how close they can come to you.  Be careful out there!

I finished my loop in one piece & I am so looking forward to my cruise North...with eyes wide open.  28.7 miles, 10.3 mph avg, top speed of 28.4 mph(yeah, another nice downhill) & very little wind today.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Head Winds & Heavy Legs...

lead to a healthy sense of humility!  Just out for what I felt would be a fairly easy toodle to Del Mar via the San Dieguito Road & then South along the coast & home along the 56 bike path.  The head winds along the stretch of road by the Rancho Paseana horse farm were brutal!  I'm a slow poke anyway but this knocked off an extra couple of miles per hour.  The entire ride was just over half the distance I plan to cover when I head North for Long Beach & I was really dragging by the time I climbed the last grade into PQ.  Fortunately, while my body is aging rapidly I am still somewhere between 25 & 35 years old in my mind!  Therefore, I just let my mind convince me that I could actually make it all the way to Dana Point in one shot.  Time will tell...  The fact that today's wee little training ride was almost more than I could bear is immaterial.  The truly humbling experience was what befell me as I approached Camino Del Sur along the 56 bike path.  This is a fairly moderate uphill grade & I must admit it requires my full attention...especially when I'm suffering from the aforementioned "heavy legs syndrome".  I was passed handily by a woman on a single speed beach cruiser.  She not only blew right by me, but she was wearing flip flops!  Her daughter was right behind her & as I yelled "Show Off!"(good naturedly, of course - riiiiight!) I determined to at least keep pace with them for a bit.  I failed miserably.  Oh well...27.1 miles, a scorching 10mph average, a screaming top speed of 29.7mph(you can only imagine how steep that downhill was) & 2 hours 42 minutes to get it done.  Birds?  I'm sure they were out there somewhere...I was too busy wheezing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What seems like a wee jaunt...

almost always turns into something more substantial.  Today was no exception.  I really only intended to scope out my half-way point & motel for my bike journey to visit BWB & T...ooops, again.  Drove to Las Pulgas thinking that would put me just South of the eventual overnight break.  Got on the bike & headed North through San Onofre State Park & really underestimated just how many winding streets one needed to traverse to get to the PCH on the way to San Juan/Dana Point.  Saw a very cool red tailed hawk perched on a telephone pole as I got started.  He was trying to warn me about what was ahead.  I passed through San Onofre & then into San Clemente proper.  While I had driven along the bike route through town in the past, it is quite another experience on a bike.  Almost like a roller-coaster & much longer than I expected.  Finally got to the PCH at the North end of town & found several motels that might fit the bill.  I will definitely be ready for a break by the time I get close to Dana Point!  I am so looking forward to my trip to Long Beach by bike & I figure this route is quite acceptable...

By the time I turned around in Dana Point & headed South I realized this was going to be another 30+ mile trip.  Got a kick out of a house all tricked out for Halloween in San Clemente.  While I passed it on the way up the coast, I didn't notice it until I was headed back to Las Pulgas.  I stopped to get a few pix & was joined by 2 other folks who also stopped to check this place out...

Saw a goodly number of turkey vultures in San Onofre again...worries me.  Also got pretty close to a California ground squirrel as he took in the afternoon'll have to look closely...he's standing on the rock...

All in all, a successful little trip of 35.8 miles at an average speed of 11.8mph(obviously more downhill) & 3+ hours to get it in.  I need to make sure there's a spa at whatever motel I choose!

By the home to find our Cooper's Hawk cruisin' the yard...that's him on the back fence...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A mystery solved...

In our post-911 world, I was not sure about access to Camp Pendleton.  An important link in my planned bike trip to visit Brett & Tiranan in Long Beach, I set out to confirm I could make it to San Clemente.  Drove up to the Oceanside Transit Center & headed North on bike.  I woefully underestimated both the ease of access & the distance across the base.  The only ID needed to go through the South Gate was my driver's license...period.  No questions about my destination, plans, etc.  I had thought that this would be a quick little jaunt of approximately 20 miles round trip...oooops.  The bike route follows base surface streets for many miles before heading out to the coast at what the Marines call "Red Beach".  This is the area you see from the 5 as you pass by Las Pulgas Road & the Amphib Assault base( "No Beach Out of Reach").  From that point you are on the old 101 & passing through San Onofre State Park.  There was a lot of long gradual grades & winding roads.  While heading north I was joined by a fellow biker who was at my side for a few miles.  He was heading for his bivouac where about 700 troops were involved in a training exercise.  A freighter from Saipan was at anchor off Red Beach & they were off-loading & re-loading equipment, vehicles & supplies.  This was a rapid response training & was intended to simulate an emergency deployment.  Riding along with this fellow & hearing what he was doing made me think he had a pretty cool career path.  He was 48 years old, a fully pensioned Marine retiree but still had his military job(even the same office on base) as a civil servant.  Nice gig.  While not getting into a lot of detail(I was too busy huffing & puffing while trying to "casually" keep pace with this guy for a few miles), he said he was a "logistics officer"...anyhoo, he pulled out at Las Pulgas where their tent city was set up.  I finished the trip to San Clemente & then headed back to O'side & home.  I was allowed back on base with a wave of the hand & no ID check at all.  With a rather brisk headwind I really had to pump my way South...heavy-legged by the time I got to the car.  So much for an easy, breezy trip: 46.2 miles roundtrip, 10.9 mph average(how slow can I go?!) & 4 hours + to get it done.  This valuable exploration confirmed that I will break my Long Beach trip into two days...get to San Clemente/Doheny & crash in a motel...then on to Long Beach.  Looking forward to the journey & November  5th looks like the day.

By the way, I was too pooped to peep at whatever little bird friends might have watched me pass.  There was an impressive number of turkey vultures soaring around when I passed through San Onofre State Park.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A crazy thought...

occured to me while biking around the countryside today.  More about that later...

The morning started normally enough as I checked my e-mail in the office.  I noticed that all my bird friends were suddenly quiet.  They had been feeding happily and, as usual, noisily just outside the window.  Whenever they have all just disappeared before it usually meant a visit from a raptor who has discovered our pampered little morsels.  This was no exception.  Our coopers hawk had a house sparrow under its talons on the side fence...breakfast had been served.  We see this hawk with some regularity but have only witnessed two successful hunts.  He is a handsome young bird of prey.  His yellow eyes are darkening a bit now & they will be a brilliant red when he is fully mature.

Today's ride took me through Santa Luz where I saw a red-tailed hawk and kite(hovering over something of interest).  From there to the village of Rancho Santa Fe & then to Solana Beach(Fletcher's Cove for a pit stop).  South on the 101 through Del Mar and then home along the 56 bike path.  Gorgeous day for riding as it was a sunny yet cool day.  I woefully underestimated the grade from Rancho Santa Fe to the Lomas Santa Fe Country Club.  Once at the club, I knew it would be an easy downhill run to the coast.  Getting there was a lot tougher than I anticipated & my legs felt it.

A pleasant ride nonetheless - 2 hours 56 minutes, 29.7 miles, 10.1 mph average & a top speed of 29 mph.

The crazy thought...biking up the coast to Long Beach to spend an evening with Brett & Tiranan.  It would be a great trip & a great test of my stamina.  I would spend the night with them - duh! - and then cruise home.  This, of course, assumes I survive.  We'll see.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Losing weight while wandering around the countryside...

on my bicycle...good exercise & a great way to keep my eyes peeled for some bird friends here in San Diego.  I will chronicle my trips & sightings on this blog as I also attempt to go from my start weight of 205+ to something much more agreeable( & healthy!)