Friday, October 30, 2009

Gear ratios...

why didn't I think of this sooner?!  Like Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap fame("well, this one goes to eleven..."), I simply need one more gear!  Obviously, 21 distinct gear ratios are woefully insufficient for these old legs.  While on a very nice ride through Rancho Santa Fe & Del Mar it occured to me that my next bike will simply have more gears - at least go to 22.  That will do it.  Of course, better conditioning is out of the question when I can simply buy more gears.  There.  That's settled.

Saw a gorgeous red-tailed hawk cruising Santa Luz as I headed for El Apajo Road & Rancho Santa Fe.  While this species of hawk is quite common around here I still marvel at them as they soar around.  Don't hear their distinctive cry very often but this fellow was vocalizing to beat the band. 

One thing I have learned while biking around the North County is that drivers are not the least bit interested in giving bikers a break.  Indeed, I think more than a few go out of their way to give us a good scare.  As I was heading for the 101 on Via De La Valle I needed to bear left in order to cross under the 5 freeway.  Being careful, I stuck my left arm out as a signal.  This after looking back for any close traffic.  Got a quick manicure from the rearview mirror of the pickup truck that blew by me as they slashed over to grab the Northbound ramp to the freeway.  This guy was flying!   My hand signal quickly changed to something more bird-like(how appropriate).  I also came up with a stream of expletives I haven't used since the last time I missed a 3 foot putt to win a match with the "Four Fools of Golf" at Steele Canyon(you know who you are).  It bears noting that one cannot miss me when I'm on my bike - everything reflects & I wear a "screaming yellow" jacket(thanks, SRB) that jumps out at you day & night.  I really think some folks make sport of how close they can come to you.  Be careful out there!

I finished my loop in one piece & I am so looking forward to my cruise North...with eyes wide open.  28.7 miles, 10.3 mph avg, top speed of 28.4 mph(yeah, another nice downhill) & very little wind today.

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