Friday, October 23, 2009

Head Winds & Heavy Legs...

lead to a healthy sense of humility!  Just out for what I felt would be a fairly easy toodle to Del Mar via the San Dieguito Road & then South along the coast & home along the 56 bike path.  The head winds along the stretch of road by the Rancho Paseana horse farm were brutal!  I'm a slow poke anyway but this knocked off an extra couple of miles per hour.  The entire ride was just over half the distance I plan to cover when I head North for Long Beach & I was really dragging by the time I climbed the last grade into PQ.  Fortunately, while my body is aging rapidly I am still somewhere between 25 & 35 years old in my mind!  Therefore, I just let my mind convince me that I could actually make it all the way to Dana Point in one shot.  Time will tell...  The fact that today's wee little training ride was almost more than I could bear is immaterial.  The truly humbling experience was what befell me as I approached Camino Del Sur along the 56 bike path.  This is a fairly moderate uphill grade & I must admit it requires my full attention...especially when I'm suffering from the aforementioned "heavy legs syndrome".  I was passed handily by a woman on a single speed beach cruiser.  She not only blew right by me, but she was wearing flip flops!  Her daughter was right behind her & as I yelled "Show Off!"(good naturedly, of course - riiiiight!) I determined to at least keep pace with them for a bit.  I failed miserably.  Oh well...27.1 miles, a scorching 10mph average, a screaming top speed of 29.7mph(you can only imagine how steep that downhill was) & 2 hours 42 minutes to get it done.  Birds?  I'm sure they were out there somewhere...I was too busy wheezing.

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