Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What seems like a wee jaunt...

almost always turns into something more substantial.  Today was no exception.  I really only intended to scope out my half-way point & motel for my bike journey to visit BWB & T...ooops, again.  Drove to Las Pulgas thinking that would put me just South of the eventual overnight break.  Got on the bike & headed North through San Onofre State Park & really underestimated just how many winding streets one needed to traverse to get to the PCH on the way to San Juan/Dana Point.  Saw a very cool red tailed hawk perched on a telephone pole as I got started.  He was trying to warn me about what was ahead.  I passed through San Onofre & then into San Clemente proper.  While I had driven along the bike route through town in the past, it is quite another experience on a bike.  Almost like a roller-coaster & much longer than I expected.  Finally got to the PCH at the North end of town & found several motels that might fit the bill.  I will definitely be ready for a break by the time I get close to Dana Point!  I am so looking forward to my trip to Long Beach by bike & I figure this route is quite acceptable...

By the time I turned around in Dana Point & headed South I realized this was going to be another 30+ mile trip.  Got a kick out of a house all tricked out for Halloween in San Clemente.  While I passed it on the way up the coast, I didn't notice it until I was headed back to Las Pulgas.  I stopped to get a few pix & was joined by 2 other folks who also stopped to check this place out...

Saw a goodly number of turkey vultures in San Onofre again...worries me.  Also got pretty close to a California ground squirrel as he took in the afternoon sun...you'll have to look closely...he's standing on the rock...

All in all, a successful little trip of 35.8 miles at an average speed of 11.8mph(obviously more downhill) & 3+ hours to get it in.  I need to make sure there's a spa at whatever motel I choose!

By the way...got home to find our Cooper's Hawk cruisin' the yard...that's him on the back fence...

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